Saturday, March 24, 2007

Initial Concept

The first step in our design process was to develop a general shape and layout of the car that was able to accommodate all of the components of the car as well as a large range of driver sizes. Next the car was sketched to a general shape that was aesthetically pleasing to the majority of people interviewed. This general pattern was to change over the course of the car's development but it gave the team a good starting point.

The design of the chassis involved two major components. First is the lower carbon fiber sandwich composite. The second is the upper steel tube frame. The reason for this unorthodox design is to cope with many of the problems associated with composite monocoque chassis. These problem that were eliminated are: complex split molds or complex secondary bonding, poor access to internally mounted components, use of sub-frames. Thus creating a car which is both easy to manufacture and easy to service, without sacrificing stiffness or weight.

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