Monday, November 5, 2007

Engine tuning.

After finishing the bulk of the chassis we got the engine, electronics, intake system and exhaust system fitted so we could start doing some engine tuning.

From left to right we have Brett, Josh N. and Eric helping get everything sorted.

Because we are still waiting, now less patiently, for our fuel cell to be welded we needed a fuel source. Ben came up with the simple idea of hooking up to his 300Z fuel system with a long piece of fuel tubing.

After awhile of trouble shooting wiring...
"Hey, do you smell something burning?"
"Yeah, smells like electronics."

We frantically disconnect the battery and pray that the distinct smell of fried electronics was not our MoTeC M4 ECU. After some searching I found that one of our coil-on-plugs had given up the good fight. Lesson learned... if you are not running the engine the coils will burn up.

Pretty spectacular destruction. The laminated metal core was fractured, impressive amount of heat. We replaced the coil and proceeded with more caution.
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