Monday, November 5, 2007

Engine Tuning

Once we got the engine to run last time we needed a slightly more permenent solution for the fuel delivery and we also needed to figure out how to keep the engine cool durring our tests.

For cooling we instaled a electric water pump. A really nice unit that uses a brushless motor that is sealed in a plastic housing. this motor drives an impeller through a magnetic coupling. Pretty inginous. For the sake of simplisity we used a thermal resivor instead of a radiator and fan. This way we could easily keep the engine in a safe temprature zone. The thermal resivor consists of a large cooler filled with water. The electric water pump continously cerculates the water through the engine. When the water gets to hot we just refill it with cool water.

Josh N. is replacing the intake system.

Here is the engine in one of its first runs. The muffler that we are using is from a RM250F and works quite well. The smoke is from oil that was sitting in the headers. The headers that we are using came of a bike that had blown up... Remember our first engine.

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