Monday, November 5, 2007


After working on the chassis for about 2 weeks straight now we needed a little change of pace. So we set out to build the pedals for the car. The design work was all done in SolidWorks and some pretty slick stamped steel pedals were the result. The main reason for the development of the pedals is to achive the correct pedal ratio so that the brakes "feel" right. Normal pedal ratios would give the driver a very soft pedal and large pedal travel, undesirable features in a racecar.

Here is the clutch pedal all welded up, yes our car will have a clutch pedal. I can hear teams around the nation gasping as I type. As this car is designed for the non professional driver we felt that the familiar control layout far out weighed the performance benefits from having a narrow chassis.

Here is a close up of the welded brake pedal. The upper half of the photo you can see the Willwood balance bar assembly that has been integrated into our pedal. in the bottom right corner you can see the pivot point, note the teflon bushing.

Here are the finished pedals. Grip tape was applied to the pedal surfaces to increase the drivers confidence.

Here you can see the back side of the clutch pedal with the adjustable travel stop at the bottom. The throttle pedal is a mirror image of the clutch pedal.
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